Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Building Success: Where are you headed – Dream Building

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You have probably heard this time and time again.  You need to set your dreams to be successful.  Even if think that your goals do not pertain to what you are currently working on, you need to set your dreams.  Here are a couple of approaches.

Originally posted on Successful Thinkers Meetup by Josh Shackelford

Dream Board
successful-inspirations-dreamboard Create a dream board.  A dream board is a physical location for you to post your dreams.  Many people struggle to remember why it is that they are working so hard.  For some a dream board is the best way to be reminded of what they are working for.  For others, simply placing a picture of their spouse or kids on their desk is enough.  All successful people utilize some form of dream building and some fashion of reminding themselves of what those dreams are.  You need clearly find and define your why.  Your why, will provide you the energy to drive through your challenges and provide the determination to finish.

Managing Your Thoughts
thoughts-butterfly Focus on those dreams and the steps to achieve them.  If you continue to focus on the positive goals that you want to reach and push to complete each step of the way, you will make it.  Not only will you be able to reach those goals, but you will reach them faster.  Most people focus on the things that they don’t want to happen, and as a result those things happen faster, or they run in to more challenges as they push to finish their projects.

Where Am I
Before you can determine where you are headed, or how you can get there, you need to first realize where you are.  Where are you financially, emotionally, physically.  All of these things affect the way you will map out your plan, and how you will get there.

Constantly Learning
We need to keep in mind that we are constantly learning.  When talking to other people, listen to learn.  When working on a project, look for ways to push yourself.  When faced with a challenge, look for the opportunity to learn.  When you crash, or something doesn’t go the way that you had expected… take responsibility for the crash, get up, and learn so that you can avoid that crash in the future.

Set and Achieve Goals
family-hug-children The purpose of setting and then reaching your goals is about becoming the person that it takes to achieve the goals.  As we work through our projects, we build off of the previous step.  The same is true for becoming successful.  You need to build yourself with each step, and each day in order to prepare yourself to make it to your next goal.

Big Goals are Important
Setting big goals is important to becoming a better you.  The larger the goal, the better you will become.  Make sure that all of your goals are written, specific, and measureable.  Only a measurable goal can be achieved.

Originally posted on Successful Thinkers Meetup by Josh Shackelford

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