Many entrepreneurs mistakenly think that making the sale has to do with using the consultative selling approach, special listening skills, likeability or any number of popular questioning or closing programs. Sure, they’re all important aspects of selling. But the granddaddy of them all--the one factor that guarantees your sales success more than any other and the one method top producers have in common--is a sense of urgency.
Originally Posted On Successful Thinkers Meetup by Josh Shackelford
Urgency is what gets top sellers up in the morning and keeps them fired up all day. Their attitude is, “If it’s to be, it’s up to me, and I determine my own success or failure.” They’re constantly asking themselves, “What do I need to do next to move this sale forward? What actions do I have to take to get it done?” It’s about putting your ideas and strategies in motion.
Top sellers don’t waste time when there’s no opportunity. They’re so intensely focused on each of their accounts that they know exactly what each customer wants and what it will take to help them grow their business. When they don’t see the benefit to that customer, they move on and eliminate wasted energy for both sides. But when there’s real opportunity, they’re relentless. A voice inside them keeps saying, “Don’t let customers miss the many ways they can truly benefit from you and your service.”
Recently I spoke to someone that I knew needed to get involved with a particular opportunity. I truly believed that he needed to purchase from me, and to partner with me. I told him that he would see a return on his investment, and would be sold out within just a few weeks, and that if he wasn’t, that I would cover the difference. I realized he never would have bought on the spot like that if he didn’t like me, feel comfortable with me or have a successful relationship with me on previous programs. But the real reason was that I wasn’t leaving him until he bought from me. I knew he would have success, and even before walking in, I based my endgame on that sense of urgency.
To close the deal well, we need to prioritize specific goals for all of our activities and then act on them with confidence, conviction and a desire to move things forward.
Originally Posted On Successful Thinkers Meetup by Josh Shackelford
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